Within the staked out area, excavation begins by use of a bobcat tractor, to cut a precise shape and curvature. The actual hole will be 6” to 9” larger than the finished dimensions of the pool in all directions. This is to allow forming material to be placed around the outer edge of the pool and/or spa. Also keep in mind, the bond beam is a 12” x 12” dimension around the top circumference of your pool. Excess dirt/soil is removed on the same day of excavation. If you want any dirt/soil left on site be sure to arrange with us in advance where it should be dumped and how much BEFORE excavation.
Reinforcement bar (ReBar - 3/8" diameter steel bar) is tied to form a mesh framework on the floor and walls of your pool. 8" centers throughout the pool. There will be ReBar on the bottom of the pool, up the sides around the skimmer, and into the bond beam (also refered to as the box beam ). The entire pool has ReBar placed/centered every eight inches apart (8" centers). For added strength, the bond beam construction has a larger 1/2" diameter ReBar. Spacers insure that the ReBar is suspended above the ground and not against the dirt floor of the pool (ReBar in the walls are spaced from the dirt sides, accordingly). This system allows gunite to be suspended between the bars and evenly distributed under, around, and above the rebar. Although weak in appearance, ReBar is the strength of your pool when combined with the powerful components in gunite. Small tie wire merely holds the bars in place temporarily until the gunite is applied.