When will my pool start looking like a pool?
The pool really begins to take shape when the gunite is placed. Steps and benches are formed, spas take shape, and the project begins to look like your pool. Gunite (premixed concrete) is sprayed into your pool through a hose under pressure. It’s very noisy, messy (in a fun way), artistic, and very interesting and fun to watch. A curtain is put up around the pool to block the over spray from getting on your house. Gunite dries and gets hard very quickly. As a matter of fact, it can dry too quickly. It is necessary for you to water cure your Gunite to slow the drying time down. In the summer, wet the pool down at least 5 times a day, more if you can get to it. In cooler months (temperatures below 80 degrees F), 2 to 3 times a day is fine. Spray water on the sides until it starts to “sheet” off. Then move on to another part of the pool. It takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete a pool watering. Don’t worry; you can’t over water a pool. A puddle will accumulate in the bottom of the pool…that’s ok; we’ll pump it out later. You will also notice cracks forming in the pool, particularly in the floor. This is normal. These are shrinkage cracks and do not affect the structural integrity of the pool. The Gunite shell needs to cure for 3-4 days before we can proceed with construction.